AIO about to block this guy - messages after one date
My numbers-matching 1987 Yugoslavian gal
Designated Range Rig Setup
My gayks.
Is there a better truck gun? (HK MP5SD)
How to get serrations back?
What's your grail AK?
N hollywood
North Hollywood
Turned the front room of our house to a Lego themed travel room.
Passed on an Albanian SKS today
New Mac / DB9 Alloy Super Safe (SS) Beta Testing!
Blocked real life number plate due to "inappropriate content"
Any ss on the sea for original cobray mac11/9?
What is this hole for
Super Safe MAC Now in Beta
Super Safe G3
Maadi to buy or not?
Bears in Russia are built different
Before i send my rifle in for warranty does anyone have an idea why my rifle jams every round?
PSA AK-47 worth $600?
Anyone take the AC Unity wide hanguard and smooth it out?
Sks made in oakland 😭
Did I upgrade or ruin my m70?