Id like to know if this one is a african milk tree or another type of this plant, ty! (srry for the bad quality, the sun is not helping lol)
New here :) Just posting my little spiky friends
No way!!! My first ever babyyy!! (+ new growth) - Nep. Graciliflora
Little question/help. Weird green spots
New growth :)
lots of new growth :)
2nd try is the charm
Alguém consegue identificar qual animal é esse?
Even the newest baby leaf started blackening from the tip of the leaf. Still no new growth :(
Cute new growth :D
2 baby leaves started blacking out from the tip of the leave, no new leaves are growing
Got my second nepenthes today, I've had one before but it sadly died after about 5 months. Any tips on growing these beautiful guys?? (pls ignore the poor Venus on the side, it is a little baby)
I've had these 2 for about three weeks now, is not the first time that some bamboos of mine starts getting like that (the past 2 ones that got like that died in about 15 - 10 days after they started getting like that) what it is? what should I do?
3 of my traps are dying (one of them is already dead) The other 2 traps are very healthy and growing, looks like theres a new one starting to grow.
Growing very fast :)
Update! It started opening the trap!!
My Venus Fly Trap/ Dionaea, accidentally bit her own growing leaf. What should I do? Do I just wait for the other leaf to open?