My boy!
Onyx Storm/ Target Exclusive
Soooo, who is staying up till 2am (central) to try and get Target’s Onyx Storm? Who is waiting till morning to go in person? Who is saying, “heck no, I’m sticking with my original preorder?” Lol 😅
We doing Springers sleeping on their backs?
What's your new unicorn book?
Opinions on this?
Anxious Springer!
When to get him fixed
Does your springer want to be a part of EVERYTHING?!
What books/characters/plot fits this?
Would you ask for a replacement?
Definitely spoilt ! Happy Christmas all !
Messages rather than Offers
Reading high is a hobby
Owlcrate shipping prices
After reading horror stories, I deleted an expensive listing…
I turned this year’s books into a mini bookcase (inside a book)
USPS tracking nightmare
From 0 to 156 - tripled my goal of 52! Back to bookworm ways - read more in 2024 than in all my previous adult years put together 😳
55/24. My best year of reading yet
wait time?
Rip Poppy 🕊️2010-2024 she died peacefully on Wednesday.
Scared of A&P