if you had to tweak WrestleMania 41 matches what it would be. Here is mine
“Finn Balor, Pinn Balor, Win Balor, doesn’t matter, Breakker in 5
Booking Backlash Mexico
If you had to pick one of these men to return right now, who you picking and why?
I’m sorry but there is NO WAY this match is happening this soon. Who yall got winning?
Meanwhile Ireland hasn’t ever gotten a PLE (there are at least 3-4 main event level Irish wrestlers btw)
Summerslam 2025 New Jersey Matchcard
Karrion Kross Made It To ESPNs TikTok 😭
Have any women declared for the rumble yet? feel like it’s just men
I’m watching a man lose his sanity right before my eyes 😭
Triple H, We Need To Talk
My Face When Someone Tells Me Finn Balor Is Getting Pushed (I Won’t Believe It Until I See It)
POV: It’s WrestleMania 45 And These 2 Are About To Main Event Night 2
Gunther has had the WHC longer than Damian. Who would you say had the better reign? (So far)
Who's better on the mic
How it’s gonna feel at first when santi stops doing daily videos
Now that Renegade Raider is back, what is your rarest Item Shop skin? I'll go first
What a response 😭😭
Hear me out
Why do people hate on chapters as they happen and as soon as it’s gone they go “i miss it”
Anyone else think that at this point Finn (and maybe JD) should either turn face or just leave the rest of the Judgement Day?
Predicting The Next 15 US Title Changes
Predicting The Next 15 IC Title Changes
Give me what I want