Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was voted as the Best Game game, but what would you say is the "Worst Game" in the Xeno series
How would Batman's existence be in the OPM universe?
Imagine you're a new Avatar. What would your animal guide be? I'll go first
if you nose, you nose
have we ever seen Funky Kong and Donkey Kong together in the same room at the same time?
“Nathan! Stop it. This is why you keep getting molested.” Wins “N” - next is “O!”
Stelio cosplay I found while web surfing. Best American Dad cosplay I’ve ever seen. Anyone know who he is?
I just discovered this sub and for everyone asking about a nose job
People are telling me to get a nose job - would it make me more pretty?
Redditors, how do you feel a grassroots political movement dedicated solely towards ruining Elon Musk's life specifically would fare?
Fuck you, I hope this ruins your fucking day.
How do I look in this miniskirt?
ah yea
Help me decide between these 4 options.
35M Rate for confidence
Pure evil, but gives me ideas
i created another new OC. what should I name him?
If you had to choose an actor from these to play Joker who would you pick?
Squirrel girl vs plastic man, who wins?
Which comedy film delivered the biggest laugh of your lifetime?
would frasier have been successful if it wasnt a spinoff
Who’s his best opponent?
Better Ensemble, Acting, Comedic Timing, Writing, Storylines, Influence and Impact on Sitcoms and Popular Culture— Cheers or Friends?
Can't find a reason to why not kill myself
Should I grab one of the Mario + Rabbids game, and which one first?