How to turn 6 skins into 18? Same price, grind more, get less
Another day another massive L for FAMAS enjoyers as the FCAR gets its 1000th amazing skin, AKM gets something that's good enough and FAMAS get NOTHING
ARN-220 got both emerald and diamond skins ranking rewards really???
Patches notes 03/26
Anyone else wish we had more hairstyles?
We need a gadget for medium to breach walls
How would you guys feel about new voice-packs for contestants and announcers?
Embark you are very close to losing a lot of players especially me because of ranked.
Ik I'm late but daily's only pay out 2K this season giving 10k total as opposed to 15K last season
Why isn't there an anticoagulant shot?
A lot of people are posting "hot" takes that are lukewarm at best. What are some ACTUAL hot takes you have?
Everyone is talking about 50% win rate climbing, but it’s even worse
Is the model 1887 bad now after the nerfs?
Guys I backstabbed ronin in a custom
About The new weapons
Why is the repeater so rewarding for wow easy and simple it is?
Melee weapons should have its own weapon slot in our loadouts
For being a precision weapon the CB-01 has awful hipfire
Is the Repeater even viable without a fire rate buff?
CB-01 repeater - anyone else actually really quite like it?
Is it normal to not do well during chases as a survivor even after playing for 1.309.2 hours?
Embark you can avoid lying , we all know that the least played mode is terminal attack (and bank it is the most used for farming)
Buff the 3.357 - Give us fanning! (PLS)
Getting ready for the vraxx crossover