Samus is now a Psychic Type in Prime 4
81.55% stock decline, Holy shi-
everyone talking about psychic powers meenwhile me
Did anyone else immediately get Speed Booster vibes when seeing this straightaway?
The very first bit of Metroid content on "Nintendo Today!", featuring concept art of Dread Samus
So it’s a simulation, right?
Theory: Metroid Prime was a Phazon corrupted Lamorn and will be sent back in time by the end of Prime 4 to explain Prime's origin.
Is it just me or the red suit's helmet is very Metroid "dready"?
What do you think of Metroid Prime 4?
So. What the FUCK is that?
Nintendo Today app makes reference to something called "Metroid Stories"
Seems like we are gonna have to fight bosses and enemies who got infused with Metroid DNA
Prime 4 Gameplay showcase was cool, but this game feels more fantasy-like, than sci-fi. How it's going to be connected to Sylux's plotline? There's a lot of questions with no answers, but overall we need stick to Switch 2 Direct.
Aaron Paul, specifically in this cosplay
125 votes in a post with misinformation, the post with the correct info was obviously downvoted. The anti-AI movement is a cult
So we’re finally entering at the final stage of grief of these anti ai folk 😂😂
New 2D Metroid is probably happening tomorrow, because it's supposedly Switch 1 game
Have to wonder what 'pick up a pencil' may really be implying about those who say it...
Mukuro wants what she wants
(Metroid Faded Memories Fangame) On this mysterious planet, you'll find many Space Pirate Refugee Camps. "These guys don't agree with the Pirate's ways, so they'll help you as much as they can." Feedback welcome!
Stinks Man is always funny
I’m out of magic in the Ganondorf boss fight, am I stuck?
People have always broken beer bottles, but no one attacked BL semis or tried to destroy breweries.
Trolley problem
The smile on his face 🥹 That’s why representation matters!💗