LMAO look at this dude
You will not believe how much i paid for these 2 games.
What should I binge watch next?
I guess I'll be skipping DR3 (for now) since it isn't on PlayStation. Is there anything I need to know about it going into 4?
Who Has The Best Drip In Silent Hill?
My Sheyla :(((
Bionic Welding
How does Vito do in Oz?
How would Tony Soprano do in Oz?
Which workshop add-ons make you feel like this?
Watch people die
For a guy who plans to live forever attached to his very degradable body, House sure does love his cigarettes. What is that, like 3 in 6 minutes?
If you found this game on the top of your ps2 what’s your next move
Scariest experience while playing a SH game?
This is worse than the Robson/Curler scenes
Which fallout nv food would be tasty IRL?
Why is Marvel trying to make him a surprise character when his name is LITERALLY in the title?
McManus out here in the Ted Bundy movie…
Resident Evil games be like...
Tell me you favorite Left 4 Dead 2 mods and I Tell if you're Allowed in.
The most beautiful lady on the show
Ranking Tony's partners in terms of attractiveness
Five fuckin families, and we got this other pygmy thing over in Tulsa.