Why are we so against the B-word?
Gingersarebear claiming to be doxxed after having her public Instagram linked to snark Reddit account.
Here we go again
Does Christine bother anyone else?
Star of David pin!
I really wish (and still hope for) a big content creator to speak out in support of Ethan
Behind you Ethans
Getting married in two weeks, can I make this work?
maybe the artists didnt want to collab bc of h3 drama and not her nationality?
Canadian here: Jokes about our sovereignty are not super fun.
I don’t think the chat positively influences to the show
What the heckin dog
Shaun: Why do you lie to women? Brian: Did you forget I can’t walk?
Twitch response?
Hasan’s recent comment section
Dear Hila Klein
Love Ethans energy, calling lud out
Hassan responds
With all the ✌️& ❤️ in the world, some of y’all are being goofy.
Ethan=He who must not be named
Nick getting the same tattoo as JR?!
I still can’t believe Ethan gave 5k to Beavo lol
Hasan talking about Ethan on Raw Talk
Ethan is teasing us!