Can a 64GB device run apps like CODM?
How much does a mythical gun usually cost?
We need pick bans
What's with all the people crying about snipers recently?
Go to to get 10,800cp For FREE (Activision's gift to pro players)
Why they removed overkill perk? And will it come back again?
New player and uses 3 finger Hud ... which is better TAP TO ADS or TAP AND HOLD ADS??
Me waiting for USS9 nerf:
Progress so far almost there for the Amax.
Challenge tokens be like
Secret cache
I know this is over-said, but the caches are hilarious!
What do y'all think?
Which reticle is best for aim in your opinion
Tired of snipers.
Do I bulk or cut
Just got to know 25% 300 = 300.
Rude teammates
If I stop playing now do you guys think I'll still be top 5k by the end of the season?
best time to play and WIN ranked
Just had a 1v1 with a mele-only guy (bro killed me only 2 times with his gun rest with a spear)
I am not a professional
I’ve used up all my luck for the month I guess
Quickscopers are so annoying