concept model
Just got a 100 day streak, now deleting Reddit from my phone
Bro tried playing the victim 💀
I’m selling floppy 5x5s!!
Can you find one person in the comments and give them a compliment?
Guys, what do you think is the greatest piece of fiction???
Okay, let's see your actual *first* Cube
Is an eyebrow piercing weird for a boy?
Why are bigger cubes usually curved with bigger edge pieces ?
Mail day again!
Hehe funny number
I solved 100 puzzles in the past 4 months. Here is my ranking of them all
Someone asked for a turning demo
Are teens still religious?
Do you go into your relationships with the goal of "date to marry"?
How fast does your facial hair grow, and how often do you need to shave?
Does hair colour of a girl really matter?
Blud started his villain's arc after that
What are the things you worry about frequently?
Do you support Elon Musk?
Do you think you would be able to handle a period?
Do people actually enjoy life?
Yesterday I made one boy kisser cube. Today, I made an army
What are the chances that 4 random people are more knowledgeable than me on a random topic?
7 memes in one picture