Why don't we have some Proto-Slavic words in Proto-Indo-European?
Hungarian learning journey- Day 52
What are some good books about history of Hungary?
Capitalized IPA
Hungarian learning journey- Day 51
Heresies of Language learning
What language would you add to Duolingo
Hungarian learning journey- Day 50
Does Technological Progress Go Against Orthodoxy?
Europe, but I compressed it as much as I could without losing any major cultural elements
Inflacija u Srbiji tokom godina u procentima- Inflation in Serbia over the years by percentage
I might've asked this once but here I am asking it again. Please pray for the nation of Serbia( explanation in the replies)
Top Comment Changes The IPA (Day 29)
Hungarian learning journey- Day 49
Mr worldwide
Top comment changes the map
Top Comment Changes The IPA. (Day 28)
The grammar of my conlang
How to learn Klingon?
Did St. Clement of Rome accept predestination?
Hungarian learning journey- Day 48
Signs yet to be fulfilled
I think I’m going to convert to Christianity
I am from the Church of the East (Not Nestorian), why should I become Orthodox?