SOLUTION: Fortnite Offline
Still hurts.
It sucks that Rumbleverse couldn’t compete with my hero ultra rumble due to bad timing.
Who had a bigger hit I’ll wait🥱
What’s is this, wrong answers only
I Played RV mostly via Ps4 until I got my PC in late January… for streaming, anyways here are my final stats & player card for RumbleVerse (PC ONLY)
Ideas for Rumbleverse if it comes back
Miss this game so much. I realize now rewatching these clips that I was pretty harsh on players that had a lower skill level than me. Gonna be different when the game re-releases.
The Key Bat Collector
Combo you didn't know about.
i think im starting to go crazy haha help me :)
Deleted all my clips and wins when the game shut down and now im regretting it🤣😭😭
Hmmm. Where have I heard that before...
Lesson learned...
Have-you clips of DarkMattNoir?
2350 Damage combo
Yes, I was one of the players who would dog-shot you for a win. No shame
It's the little things like this that make me miss this game.
I miss the satisfaction of Rumbleverse!
Hoping this fills the Rumbleverse void.. anyone else looking forward to it?
This was fun...
Did you play Rumbleverse with voices on or off?
This game had the best movement system and I only figured it out last month of its lifespan
Any news on this game coming back?
Some ideas for RV if it ever comes back.