Neurodivergent folks, what would actually HELP you in daily life?
Excited to try this; annoyed I didn’t know not all weed purchased at a dispensary is quality
How to get assessed for ADHD or ADD
Can we just let attractive introverts “be”?
"It's not that deep " in fandom subs
People who aren't trained or professional singers showing off their singing "ability"
When people don't flush the toilet.
How do I cope with not having a childhood?
Anyone else feel like our PTSD symptoms worsen when using THC?
Is this considered abusive?
My roommates got cats
Anyone on meds but didn’t become a boring potato?
FOR THE LADIES: You’re supposed to switch to fresh underwear after your evening shower, right?
Our school library keeps getting these kids books with crappy AI art as donations
Is it weird to invite your roommates for tea?
1996 I sewed my own dog vest and I loved it so much
When guys INSIST that girls only like Mole Men
If you’re not able to do a full tolerance break , (medicinal user,) do intermediate breaks help?
DAE find body hair on a woman really hot?
AIO for thinking my boyfriends cheating because he shaved
How did you afford to live alone?
Thoughts on this brand? Does the brand matter? Grandaddy purple is hands down my favorite strain!
You eat like a child
Weed reduces some of my adhd symptoms while making other adhd symptoms worse. Im venting tbh /sorry for being so long. My symptoms are so bad again.
People who live alone without pets. How do you do it?