If you broke NC multiple times, what made it finally stick?
I broke up with my boyfriend and I can't get over it
How do people move on so fast?/rush into their next relationship?
If you could take a pill and forget about them, would you?
BF of 4 years does not plan things for me and says this is the reason why. Thoughts?
Ex playing games
Convince me not to unblock my ex
He keeps blocking and unblocking me again
Men with thick butts are hot
get yo man back
I don’t feel anything regarding Ramadan or life
Girlfriend of 7 years cheated on and left me to be a Lesbian
Your Last Breakup—Was It Your Fault or Theirs?
I don't like my friend's boyfriend but he's always with us when our friend group meets up. My friend knows I don't like her bf and that I don't want him to always join our group activities but nothing changed. What should I do?
Should I dump my friend?
Dumpers, at what time/month were you open for reconciliation?
Why do exes do this?
If your ex betrayed you, do you still miss them and think about them?
I don't think I can do it today
Dumpees stop punishing yourself
Why do dumpers feel the need to view your social media, especially months after?
My ex said something that bothered me before nc but I still love her
Its been only three days and I want to self harm
Debating on blocking her just to stop reaching out to her. She just leaves me on seen every message I send so confusing 🤦🏽♂️
Not everything is about attachment style 🙂↔️