Is it pronounced "Gif" or "Gif"
do yall who are aged 13-18 still find snow to be fun?
Do you support hitting your kid as punishment
What’s the worst thing Manny has ever done? 😰
Do you support LGBTQ, and do your parents support it?
This F250, the official truck of?
Musk calls Senator Kelly a traitor
any context to the fight at ronstadt ctr earlier today (3/10)?
Do you like your username
What do you think is the most traumatic experience for each character in the entire series?
Keep going
Do you do any drugs?
do yall still play in the snow when yall get a snow day (if u live in a snowy climate)?
What would he be searching?
How many political polls on this sub were created by someone uneducated on the topic?
ok what AMERICAN political party is your favourite?
Regret supporting Trump?
Is short form content making teenagers more conservative or liberal?
do you all agree with trump's deportations of undocumented immigrants?
Is Thick of It really that bad?
Is the R word offensive
what did yall get?
These people need therapy.
Vote your least favorite Wimpy Kid book, Round 7.