Which Eighth Doctor Series should I start?
Top 10 Justice League and Avengers runs
Would you recommend Astonishing X-Men or New X-Men as a starting point for someone who knows nothing about X-Men!
Let's split hairs: what's your favorite specific Daredevil omni volume?
I think the whole “RDJ is Doom” reveal would’ve been more hype or impactful if they had kept it a secret instead of prematurely revealing it
You voted Rose as BEST FOR BEGINNERS, but now the end has come. What story would suit this final goodbye? What Dr. Who story is WHERE THE SHOW SHOULD'VE ENDED?
Which Sith Inquisitor do you prefer Darth Imperius , Occlus, or Nox? why
Venom by Cates & Stegman was OK
What next? I know ‘reading’ is next, but what should I get?
Horrible Person × Loved by Fans
Alright lads what your favorite Wolverine costume?
Master of Callous
CD or Download?
Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Vol. 4- Any Good?
The first class film we should have gotten.
Favourite ending? (Spoilers)
List of X men Omnis I need to collect, what is not essential and what do you think will be combined in vol 6,7,8
Do you prefer Doctor who to be more Futuristic, Steampunk, Retro sci fi, or more something inbetween?
When the time comes for an X-Men movie, do you think this line will generate the same level of hype as 'Avengers Assemble!' did in Endgame?
Eighth Doctor Adventures - Hidden Gems?
Favourite Monthly Range Trilogy?
John Romita Jr. and Dan Green, best X-Men artist duo.
Is Claremont X-men okay/good for someone who prefers modern comics? And what's everything I'll need?
Which X-Men Omni?