Master Astilain Kohlir of the 106th Verdant Knights Chapter, First Legion
It's done boys 🐺
Damn Steam Update
My second son of the lion, wish it came out better
Angels of the Hunt - Dark Angels Assault Squad 8 - Marine #4 (with Jump Pack)
Captain Howzer from Star Wars Legion (1:48 scale)
First batch of Scouts done
I'm one of the Warhammer guys
Thoughts on a 1500 point list against deathguard
Laird Gideon, Grand Master of the 4th, Wraiths of Beltane
First set of my Sternguard!
You can pry my Talonmasters from my cold dead hands.....
Ragnar - but green!
Belial! But done up for my successors :)
Brother Athelstan - first of my new DWK
So I've been told yes and no to this. Were these helmets used in 30K? Specifically around the time of the Seige of Terra? Building a WE praetor to paint, might do a small force.
Primaris Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf (with magnets!) - C&C Welcome
The Lion Called, They Answered
Package arrived, im doing a full rotary cannon cataphractii squad
Captain Gunnar Icecrown
Working on a Codex for my homebrew chapter: The Lightning Wraiths