Matchmaking is Broken – Let’s Unite to Fix It
In 2011, Obama announced his version of DOGE called "The Campaign To Cut Waste" and put Biden in charge of it.
How do some people manage to fall asleep within 8 seconds of their head hitting the pillow? What’s their secret?
Just got my wisdom teeth pulled and I’m going to be stuck in my house for the next 72 hours. Give me any game ever to play.
Cannabis prices in MO discussion
Woman breaks a man's windshield with brick then everything fell apart
It's being reported that Alex Jones' InfoWars top reporter was gunned down last night.
I can hear this image...
Kash Patel announces the arrest of multiple traitors
Average U.S. Gas Prices Fall to Lowest March Level Since the Pandemic
🔥two male brown bears fighting
What’s your thoughts on this?
Redditor is accusing me of playing cheesy
What game do you have the most hours on?
Lil Wayne and Chris Brown 📸
Your Last Photo Is What SpongeBob SquarePants Is Scared Of.
[KCD2] Anyone else's adventuring & charisma outfits have to match?
What character do you just not understand how to use?
who is the best character in the game?
We did it gamers! We defeated the woke virus!
Day One Of Getting A Comment From Every State/Province!
What's this anime?
Ethan talks too much about what he do
Ethan Klein and his toadies finally admit on air that they have no path to legal action against subreddits that criticise them
Power Washers - Ext siding cleaning