Disappointing first appointment
Pregnant due fall of intern year; asking programs about maternity leave PGY1
Psychiatry patient pop questions
NCL Encore questions
Advice: I can hear my upstairs neighbor having s*x nearly every night
Not a Normal Market --$$?
Does anyone actually "Enjoy" their interviews or feel good after them??
Controversial book recs for a psych book club
Med Student Psych Book Club Recs?
New Lenox Hill Psych Residency Program?
Still thinking about my July Zion trip …
Chiang Mai day trip - is Doi Inthanon National Park worth it for one day?
Ko Samui and Bangkok airports
Saltburn is a good nasty time
Puppy won't pee outside
Regret starting to set in
My school only uses shelf exams for clerkship grades
Weekends and nights. Why??
No one will insure my Kia
Question Re USPSTF FM questions
Stress of constantly being "watched" on rotations
studying for shelves--where tf to start??
Laxatives--alkalosis or acidosis??
Reviewing NBME with new score insights layout
1 week out, need advice