UP muslim results (ancestrydna + gedmatch)
When do we get to see such sensible debate in Kannada news channels
Dating life in Bengaluru
Where can I find bike for rentals in pune?
How many of you here watched Kantara first day without checking reviews or the hype?
Can we just, for a moment not make this whole life entirely about our sexuality and live life to its fullest?
Can South Indians who speak different languages still understand one another?
Reason why we shouldn't let these Rajastanis/Gujjus and their likes to settle here and take over our system.
Guess what I am?
Karnataka Brahmin, Illustrative DNA
Red flags
Warning about Anti depressants
Coffee vs Tea preference by Indian States
Haplogroup J-M158
Having crush for first time in class
Any info about my paternal haplogroup?? J2a1 L88
How's this outfit for a night walk? M25 5'4
Bengaluru University will be renamed
Unofficial CM of Karnataka
My thoughts
Am I the only one who thinks he is one of the few good looking actors in Kannada,whom every girl had crush on back then? 🥺
Rate me please honestly
India ( Maharashtra) results
Exploring Genetic Links Between Indians and MENA Populations
Tianyuan Man Ancestral to R1a people