Beginner Kickball Player
What should I do? My wife gave me $100 for online pokies and I won $8k
Friendzone Guys, aside from never getting the girl, what's the hardest thing about being a friendzone guy?
A girl friend that likes to tease me? How should I proceed?
This is only $4 will I get cancer or smt 😭😭😭
Husband quit dairy. The difference is night and day.
My fiancé cheated and I don’t know what to do
Bf deleted all of my macs pictures..
I (29F) ended a 7 year relationship where we actually were engaged (shut up ring). I feel so much better now 8 months later.
[Help] Someone else picked up my samsung order at best buy
This girl said "Im not in the right headspace for a relationship"
First rep haul!
Is this chrome hearts good?
Cash app wont send me the money
Real of scam??
Didnt start seeing Mold until I joined
I don’t know if this lines up with Nice girls but how do I even go about ending this ?
Me (18M) my girlfriend (19F) have been in a relationship which is not going in the smoothest way for me.
Weird story, unintentional friendzone?
Never use your thumb print for financial apps.
I can't make another cashapp account
🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 these crazy
Taking walks might ruin the detox?!?!
Does this mean I won't be receiving my watch?
My friend just can't let go