Bladee I Think... Vocal cover
Found the main Omnisphere preset Lusi used on Mallwhore Freeestyle
Gud 🔥
Buckshot, Phreshboy, Cartier, Tracy, Slay, Yawh PROD Dj Kenn Aon 👀
Does bladee live in Stockholm?
Graffiti done by DG backstage
where are you guys from? :D
Is it weird that i find my ‘shitty’ speakers sound amazing?
Roast my collection/setup
It Suxx is peak
What is YOUR FAVORITE song from Grave House
guys what is ur fav non dg/sbe album?
Dear r/vintageaudio, I never thought it would happen to me....
Ordered this thingy
Red Light Vinyl Appreciation post
Just got a real rainbow bridge 1 cd
do u guys have girlfriends
Why does bladee use yards in Goldenboy if he Swedish🤔
Any DGSBE songs you don’t get the hype for?
is it normal crying to safehouse (serious)
fav & least fav bladee
When I listen to different Bladee albums (EPs not included) I want to hear your personal opinions drainers!!
crawling in the sewers with an axe
In honour of Gluees 11th birthday whats your favourite track on it?