Super Citizen Edition ----> Normal Edition shift works?
Tell me the worst Battlefield takes you’ve heard
Okay people listen up!
This sub after seeing the pre-alpha footage:
cus some of ya'll apparently need a reminder
What actual Field gameplay would look like...
Algorithm knows what's up
We are definitely getting Hulk/Tank Fabricators in the future.
We are definetly not the baddies now
The REAL reason why so many people hate using the Reprimand.
Isn't it about time?
Press F PSN
It Has Been 7 Hours and the Illuminate Have Yet to Relinquish Their Control on the PSN
Happy Birthday, Helldivers 2
Look familiar? Scenes like these are happening all over the galaxy right now. You could be next.
Aww man
What will Arrowhead do if servers are still down when the anniversary starts?
Anyone have any pipe dreams they know won't happen? Mine is engineer build towed rocket artillery. It would shaft Japan, but they look cool asf.
I'm enjoying the game even if there's nothing new. that said...
One day Divers, one day...
How it Feels
Make it less expensive
We did it boys, the galaxy is saved