Fox Ad From 1992
Saw these at Wal-Mart today, aren't they what the inmates used to drink at Oz?
how much wine have you had tonight ? 😐
What's a Movie That Blew You Away But no one Talks About??
Young actors Danny Lloyd and Lisa & Louise Burns in between takes of The Shining at Elstree Studios, 1978.
Who is the most disturbing Stephen King character?
Which horror scene does still haunt you?
[ONE LAST TIME] What can you see taking place in/sharing the same universe as the Beetlejuice Duology? Other movies or shows, anything.
What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good
... it also says that you once grabbed a dog by the hind legs and pushed him around like a vacuum cleaner.
How would you cast a Seinfeld version of Severance?
Which episode has the “Joe the Clown” cutaway?
If there had been a 1960s version of Severance
Of these two one-time characters which do you like more?
This episode had some great gags, but there was something unsettling about it..
Rank the Pink Panther films
What are Scenes that feels like something in a treehouse of horror episode in a regular episode
That's the title of Erma Bombeck's latest, isn't it?
Can I come too?
What movie had you like this?
Why does Black House get so little attention?
Ow! Those gears down there really hurt
Nightmares (1983)
His father, the drunken gambler? That's right, and who might you be?