Megathread - Blue Lock 296 - Leaks/Raws/Discussion
I fucking hate being ace so much
why do people say Americans are among the most arrogant and self-centered people?
Game is literally back to pre TOTY state
Crazy how Bale SBC is valued at 3.1m now
Mbappé potm SBC. will i have enough
83+ x14 Upgrade SBC
Leaving without a single TOTY
As TOTY comes to a close, be interested to hear what toty/icons/hms people packed and how
Probability of packing a TOTY in the 82x20
Some 87 overall gold cards are unpackable?
82x20 are a drain
82x20 surrender
You can see how totally stupid FIFA community is by Rush mode
How many 82x20 SBCs have you done before accepting that you won't pack a TOTY
82+ x20 sbc just dropped
This game is unrewarding
Zehal, We made it to the 10th Anniversary!
TOTY Crafting Upgrade Completionist Objective is live
5*89+ ww. Is this even legal?
Proof that they soft patched like Krasi said.. Maldini Base (85 pace) outpacing a TS Rashford (96 pace)..
Holy!!!! EA are truly blessing me this year! 89x5 pack
I faced more top end TOTYS than Bale so far. In fact, I faced 0 Bales and 5 Salahs in 15 champion matches
Not waste your fodders