Em algum universo alternativa, a saga Harry Potter foi toda dirigida pelo Alfonso Cuáron
How to avoid not achieving 100% in GTA 3?
A Cor do Dinheiro - filmaço subestimado do Scorsese
whats the first re game you have ever played?
Hottest woman on the show?
What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good
LPT: Significant improvements after drinking lots of water
The most useless button on Apple TV+ for Severance
What's your favorite Michelle Monaghan role?
Does anyone else here like the dodo Plane? I do!
How Half-Life 3 could look by now
Am I the only one who wishes you had the option to spare Aiden in the mission Tunnel of Death?
Does anyone find Ms.Cobel kind of hot?
Animes onde as garotas são as protagonistas
Anyone else find Prison Break has better rewatch value than any other show?
Is it just me, or is Linc literally the dumbest character on the show?
Atualmente assistindo hunter x hunter e ainda não entendi o hype
Why were they so meticulous about casting Italian-American actors for most of the parts, only to have Uncle Junior played by a Dominican-Chinese?
A movie that isn't popular, but you like it.
Qual o melhor lugar para ver anime?
Say something negative about this game.
Isn't "mad dog" the guy in baby's day out? 😂
How much and what GTA did you complete (story)? There's my list of GTA, that completed