It’s absolutely ridiculous going against full teams of 3 trying to get masters
All this annoying faggot talks about is how much money he has and his shitty fuckin courses but his “girl” is still so fuckin chopped Donatella Versace looking ass
Define falling off:
unfortunately, young cuck fell into another trap. 🦌
Mythic rank? More like noob jail.
Democrats truly have no morals. This guy was kicked out because of a Sex Scandal. And now this mass murder is allowed to gain power again? Cuomos Nursing Homes killed hundreds of elderly patients during COVID.
Revenge of the young buck
New Power 11 Requirements in Mythic+ are Good Changes
Hockey does NOT belong in ranked, Supercell. We really lost like this.
Somehow ranked is worse now
What went wrong?
Soooo.. no one noticed this?
CONCEPT: How the Ranked update COULD look like
Will dropping a 4th period affect my chances of getting into state?
There are probably 100 reasons why this is a bad idea
Hope yall don't forget
fastest mortis round ever?
So here is my meta tier list as a 30k trophy player
Ranked flair varification post
I want to be Abigail's slave
How screwed am I? (it’s a real match)
Bad update. Nothing permanent, again.