I get upset when something or someone ruins my progress as I try and pace or rest
I've gotten so deep in my own world that the outside world seems not real anymore. Like everyone has they're own way of communication.
Can over thinking make this illness worse?
Is Long COVID a separate illness as ME CFS ?
would I be right to blame " someone" in directly for catching COVID which led to my LC ?
Struggling mentally / talked to long covid doctor
since COVID most people just want to improve their health....
Why does this last so long?
Repeated infections
In the begining of the Pandemic, Social Media kept saying only elderly and sick people were at risk...
Does it bother you to hear too much talking near you... Conversations seem so frivolous, like the small talk people have.
Seems to be a surprise everyday, the aches and pains you get out of no where...
I've always needed human connection. I've never been a loner like I am today.
So many things I didn't realize until after I had LC ...
What is your current emotional support system ?
If there are no tests for ME CFS, orLong COVID, We count on people believing us based on our word.
What bothers you more... Physical or Mental symptoms?
I used to be articulate in explaining things...
What future do you see, is there light @ the end of the tunnel ?
I spent a year thinking I had long covid
I remember when people asked how many months out are you, now it's how.many years ...
I want to take everyone back,...way back to your initial infection..... ( see below)...
I think LC is just ME/CFS?
would a non -LC person want to be with us ?.. (in a relationship)..
Has LC given you mood swings ? or a mood disorder ?