7th list out now
guys, is there a secret society operating in nust???
extension of deadline to pay the admission fees?
"Timeless (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault)" Discussion Megathread
How to prepare IT P3 in 2 DAYS
Business A2
A level IT
Comment your favorite artist besides Taylor and let offers comment (1) what song of the artist Taylor should cover and (2) what Taylor song the artist should cover
ED2 Trinity College - how many of you got in?
Trinity College ED2 decision date
Does anyone have any extra CSS fee waivers for Columbia or Trinity College, Hartford?
What advice would you give to a current junior?
LDR Edition
LDR songs that can be a part of a bond movie
Trinity for psychology?
Financial aid
to all my deferred/rejected EA and ED besties 💗
Should I apply to Bates or Trinity College for ED2?
Where did you ED to
snow on the beach
Bioengineering major at NYU AD
I was so excited to go to America to study and move out of my parents house, but now I miss them and my family so much that I want to leave everything and go back to my home country. Help please.