To All the Players Still Cribbing About the Training Time Update
SC team you NEED to see this
Day 457 of me asking SC to do something about RR mechanics, because nerfs doesn't matter. It's all about mechanics
They said we wanna shake up the Mata, when every attack looks like this
Can you all stop complaining about the update?
Man after seeing this post, reducing the training time seems a much better solution than completely removing them
Keep your training time...
Clash of SPAM
Lemme do it for you 2.0
Lemme do it for you
8 hours gab between 1st and 2nd War!!!
Gold pass for 17 cents 🗣
Bro is not Rod Reiss
I mistakenly discovered a hidden feature
How rare are these?
Yeah game looks balanced to me
New Fireball looks cool but the animation is so weird
Does anyone still rock with all 3? Feels like every sub has picked a side after Kendrick’s win.
Looks like they run out of ideas so they came up with random stuff
Decorations should be hidden to the attacker in legends league, war and cwl
Hey Ferri, the Meta is not fun and there is only one strategie in the game rn
Is this wrong or am i tripping.
When is supercell going to fix the starry ore income?
Weekly Questions Megathread
Best pet at each TH lvl