5 most famous games?
Who is the artist that made this chess painting?
What is this game from the 1800s?
What is the name of this painting and artist?
What painting is on this shirt?
Seller changed picture after purchase and sent the wrong item
How do ladders on OGS work?
What do these things mean in the Adikus app?
¿Cómo se pronuncia el apellido Llull?
Does BGNJ have a big online player pool?
Is there a better alternative to this backgammon app on iOS?
I’m done with backgammon galaxy
Does this shape have a name?
Best iOS app to play live games with real people?
What is the name of this structure?
Coming from chess and this is my first game, how did I do?
least angry chess player :D
I’m looking for a hot sauce that pair well with olive oil
Who painted this?
Could someone please remove the two men on the left of this painting?
Any clubs or players of Go/Baduk/Weiqi?
Help me find this famous French painting from the 1800s
A dynamic approach to the Queen's Gambit accepted
Black opening - I find myself playing this very natural opening for me when I’m black. Is there a name for this opening? I guess I’m new and would like to study the theory more. Thanks in advance.