Why does everyone have Cyprus down as an NQ?
Dear Eurofans in non-participating countries, how popular is Eurovision in your country?
Am I Supposed To Eat In These?
Baller by Abor & Tynna but LALALALALALALALALA (Germany Eurovision 2025)
Overseas student numbers blow out to historic high
Why is Montenegro a Non-Qualifier in the odds and in public opinion?
Do you still think 2025 is a weak year?
Expat not immigrant
Swollen and bloody gums after dental hygienist
Me last night
What are yours eurovision 2025 predictions/opinions?
As we all know, our health system is fucked.
Towns in NZ that don’t feel like NZ
What is your current controversial opinion on Eurovision 2025?
How do southern and eastern europeans feel about Bara Bada Bastu?
Who do you think the Juries will surprise us with in supporting in the final?
Today’s school lunch…
How can New Zealand deal with the increase in uneducated voters?
Czy to normalne w Polsce?
Jak zacząć na nowo po trzydziestce
Why is the Eurovision online community so toxic?
Nagrywanie głosówek
Boycotting America?
Rzecz materialna która była dla was oczywista kiedyś a dziś jest nieosiągalna.
Kyle Alessandro’s NF performance has 3.5 million views + Lighter is number 1 on Norwegian charts and was the most streamed Eurovision 2025 song on February 16th