Busschaufför, vad händer när du trycker på knappen?
Do you guys ACTUALLY hate each other? Or are y’all just friendly rivals?
How likely is it for someone to get into a fight and lose in the balkans and eastern europe?
Languages spoken in Russia, a proxy for ethnic diversity (Data 2018)
Fixed this weird map about countries losing population but now it's percentages
Map of The Gambia- The weirdest shaped country in the world
Serbs and Montenegrians
Wow, I got surprised!
Social development compared to national IQ
Name this country
how i, as a non-American, see America. is this accurate?
What are you thoughts about Republic of Srpska?
Is there any place to eat dormouse in Slovenia?
Vart tog den svenska synden vägen?
Big tragedy in North Macedonia, over 50 dead in night club fire
A photo of woman in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 1990
The Chicago River has been dyed green in preparation for St. Patrick's Day
🔥 This pangolin looks fully armored.
The Ceasefire of the Century
🔥 This baby alligator just started doing the death roll...
Which country would you say has the most attractive people?
Stämmer kartan över utsatta områden med verkligheten?
Europe is a scam
When is next Slovenian census?
Can I enter with a Kosovo stamp?