Sounds good to me
controller not working
How do I make my headphones not do this?
About Cards
The irony of it.
Why do people say the new Suicide Squad game is bad? Are they stupid?
Bracket Fights: Between Haru and Sojiro, who is the better character?
Locker room
Why didn't it work
Chainsaw Man at #8 for Anime Of The Year 2022! (via Anime Trending)
No need to thank me just doing my part in the sub
why nk
Juicer actually goes outside (he was very nice thank you Felix)
Uhhh what?
What do you think my favorite app on here is?
I feel like marina ida will be the only African American idol will get [ hope I’m wrong tho ]
let's play a game
I’m begging you! don’t do it!
At least he isn't skilled in magic right?
It is still very awkward to watch alone
Tracking eyes with mouse
The trash taste anime:
A normal name
I'm asking real questions here favorite character (mines Mishima)