Zach Bryan aisle song for my wedding?

I love ZB and so does my fiancé, talking about “Something in the orange” is what got our relationship started. I thought about playing the instrumental version as I walked down the aisle, but my fiancé says it sounds sad…wtf 😂🙃. I think it’s just bc it’s slow…but I would love an instrumental version of any of his songs.

We really connect to “hell or high water” but my mom is worried about saying “hell” in my Christian ceremony. I get it but I cannot find any instrumental versions!!

Can y’all internet sleuths and ZB enthusiasts let me know if y’all can find instrumental versions in a corner of the internet I haven’t yet searched??

And before anyone says “it’s your wedding just do what you want” my mom has had very few requests in the process and is paying for the whole thing, and she sort of has a point.

Edit: I’m not just looking for a song to use, but a good INSTRUMENTAL version of the songs. I’ve had a hard time finding them

EDIT 2!! Thank y’all so much for the suggestions, someone suggested the instrumental versions we were looking for. I love all the other suggestions, and I tried those out too but didn’t like the karaoke version and couldn’t find a nice instrumental. That was the problem, ZB has too many beautiful songs to choose from too!!

I will be walking to Sun to me on the guitar and he will be walking to Good I’ll do!!