What games do you typically suggest to “non-gamers”?
I’ve got a friend who keeps asking me to suggest games for her to play, either solo or with me, and I’m at a loss for recommendations. She bought an Xbox specifically to play Hogwarts Legacy, and enjoyed it, but I think that has way more to do with the lore and the universe than it did the RPG gameplay/elements. So she wants another reason to use her Series S. She doesn’t usually play games at all, but if she does it’ll be the Sims, or the classic Nintendo style party games. She also really liked Animal Crossing.
I tried suggesting Stardew Valley, and she’s on the fence. I also don’t want to subject her to sweaty multiplayer games (at least at first), so those are out too. So I’m looking for something with an emphasis on single player or co-op gameplay. Preferably something with a low skill requirement.
I know this is a bit vague, but any suggestions at all would be so helpful. Seriously, it’s been months and I’m stumped.