I found that victory really unsatisfying.
Did the Gallywix raid and...I found the fight and the ending really unsatisfying.
I've never been a big fan of 'the villain somehow manages to destroy themselves so the heroes don't get their hands dirty' type endings. I know that in a lot of cases, they want to keep the heroes pure and innocent, but sometimes, the only way to put an end to something terrible happening is to put an end to the person causing it. A PERMANENT end. Killing someone who is causing significant harm, including mass death, is not an evil act. It's something our characters have done over and over and over again. One of them being a former faction leader doesn't mean anything. I doubt there's anyone who was terribly fond of Gallywix in general, much less enough to be upset at the idea of their character killing him.
It might've been to show Gazlowe as being merciful and just wanting to help everyone, but...well, on his orders we've already slaughtered our way through a significant number of goblins, so that kind of puts a damper on that doesn't it? Goblins who were trying to keep their families fed, who were doing what they were told out of fear, and we cut them down without a second thought. Why does Gallywix - who has been a backstabbing traitor from the literal beginning, all the way back in Cataclysm - get special treatment? It's not like he could ever be trusted again in any kind of leadership capacity. He'd either have to be in prison for the rest of his life under the most intense supervision possible to avoid a breakout, or dead. Gazlowe isn't stupid, he'd know that. So why try to stop Gallywix from getting killed? Why warn him?
It would've been more satisfying if we could've ripped him out of his robot and thrown him down the furnace or something. A permanent end at our own hands, rather than just a stupid accident he caused himself.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm tired of pretending like never ever ever taking your enemy's life no matter what is a requirement for heroes. I've seen it in tv shows, movies, books, and games, even when you slaughter countless people/monsters/minions to get to the Big Bad - actually killing the Big Bad would somehow make you a bad person, the rest didn't count. Nah, man. If someone is a threat to my safety, the safety of those I care about, the safety of the world at large - I'm putting them in the ground, thank you, and I'd like to do it myself so I can make sure they stay there.