How is this so impossibly difficult to understand about systemic fatigue

Since I've only just been getting a ton of shit talkers complaining about how I would talk about this on my last post, fine, now I will just make this short and sweet and you people better just fucking understand. Not that I care, I have haters, whatever, who cares about them, fuck'em.

So, maybe this'll simply be just for the rest of you who might not be the ones who understand anything about this. My apologies, I've got to talk to a lot of stupid people today, you know who you are, so, I am sorry that I have to break this down and wrapping it up saying this as however you're supposed to make even the stupidest person can understand in how I try saying this.

Recovery is something else to worry about than systemic fatigue. If you had or were worried with concerns that you shouldn't work out with systemic fatigue, then don't because literally all you have to do is stop moving doing other things, some people they work out while doing martial arts, swimming, running, doing sports and other general fitness activities than working out using the weights, all you have to do is stop doing all that moving around, you'll still have the same recoverable ability as you normally do, but you'll notice that your advancement in your progress performance with using weights working out with, will be that you can now keep doing a staggering amount more with better results, because, you no longer have the systemic fatigue keeping you from moving your body.

Or I don't know I was pretty sure really that the way I said how bodybuilders and steroids, would be enough to wrap up an explanation of anyone able to get it.

Bodybuilders do steroids. You can work out significantly much more on steroids. That's because you recover that quickly, but they still runn into systemic fatigue because of that. However, like I'm trying to say if working out with systemic fatigue was a reason not to still do it, then no body would have to keep working out while on steroids because they would be too afraid of it negatively influencing the amount how much muscle they build, even if they did take steroids.

That's my point right now.

That you don't need to use systemic fatigue as any excuse to limit how much training you do if you're reasoning happens to be that working out with systemic fatigue will hurt how much muscle the exercise is able to build. No, it only hurts how much muscle you build because you literally cannot work out by moving the weight. It's not a reason to go out of your own way just to limit yourself like it's going to effect your recoverable ability.

Additional info

By practical you mean that you realize like me that you'll probably have to be running straight into many other problems than systemic fatigue, before you're ever having been approaching that a level of systemic fatigue that 👀from..... working out with weights, though. Notice how I indicated with weights. Yeah, of course this shit works differently for whatever whether it's other physical activity or you're talking about systemic fatigue from being with because of working out with weights. A sprinnter running a marathon might just crap and piss themselves to reach that goal line, do you think that if it wasn't actually inside the muscle that it's needing to be recovered, that she'll be lifting again anything heavy tomorrow with everything her body just went through the day before? That's fucking asasine. I hope you won't think that way like that. I mean, oh boy, do I have something to talk to you about then, if so. Fun for me that would be, how fun?

I want you to tell me whether recovery or systemic fatigue are connected, and if that's enough reason for you to believe that you should limit your training working out, working out, just so to build more muscle because you thinking that it would actually hurt your recovery?

It's so plain and simple for anyone to understand right now. What's there to be understood?

Whether you can recover is an entirely separate question for thinking about. You still won't be picking up any weight something soon .. that's systemic fatigue

Yeah. They are connected. If that's the thing that you are afraid of. You should be afraid of overtraining. Overtraining will do that keep you from recovery. Systemic fatigue however prevents you from telling your body to become active doing shit. There's a fucking central nervous system bro. You can't be serious about telling me that you're disagreeing now with me. You can't be serious......

Hopefully not..

If so ... stand still. You're just about to be the next one this thing was meant for.

I really hope that you only misunderstand me.

You can't build muscle by working out if you're body won't listen to your brain telling it to move, and you really won't building any more muscle from the muscle growth exercise working out will provide.

I don't care if you're doing anything else besides working out or if so that whatever your stance happens to be on Systemic fatigue or recovery, but, you won't be building muscle definitely not by working out exercising with weights, that's for damn sure.

Of course... you'll run into Systemic fatigue while lifting weights, it happens way more often than not than does it doing anything else. But, you can get Systemic fatigue by doing anything as long as there's a heavy load or volume making your brain signals on your spinal cord to your nerves telling them to try harder.

You can do whatever the fuck you want with recovery, I don't fucking care. But, if you did, like if you do run 30 days straight or something like that

Honestly my guage for how long is too long to run is shot as all hell ever since I watched Stan Le's superhumans of that one dude with a genetic mutation that abled him to run effectively forever indefinitely.


But if you do, then you tried lifting weights the next day, this is what'll happen, you just ran 30 days straight, that's definitely going to be bad on muscle growth, probably losst more muscle, so what will you do to fix that, work out, working out does build muscle, you might not be recovered, 🤔, but, running was also not meant to build your body's muscle like working out will, you can recover from that much working out with weights, that's why you'll be able to build muscle, but, you're not still fully recovered, will you build muscle, no, ok, is the reason that you're capable of building more muscle then either because of you're having happen to have been due to running 30 days straight or only just because that you're really not fully recovered? Will the same thing happen the other freaking way around, what if you instead did 30 days of deadlifts, then suddenly 1 day of cardio, what then? Well, we'll never fucking find out will we? Why? Because 30 days of running is nothing like walking up to a a loaded fucking bar with weights and for 1 day at the very least, even less, just attempt to pick up that same weight you not only knew your fucking God damn motha fuckin would definitely be able to recover from, let alone a weight your foolishish ass knows how just you're absolutely certain you'll lift.

Huh? Exactly. This. This was why I never had to be the one explaining this for you.