Anyone else get long restrictions on regular food?
I'm a 39M and I got all four of my wisdom teeth extracted 3 weeks ago. I'm kinda pissed after reading up in here, the uppers were both fully erupted and probably had no good reason to be pulled outside of padding the bill, but I digress.
When I showed up for my appointment, the dental surgeon said he was concerned with my lower wisdom teeth. One of them had developed a cyst (results came back benign) and with my age, he was worried about complications post-op. As a result, he put me on a no-chew diet for a month. He said that jaw fractures, while rare, are most common in my situation - ~40 year old, male, lots of work needing done that potentially weakens the jaw. Actual recovery was pretty fine, 3 or 4 days of hurting followed by a slow fading of pain - I was taking the ibuprofen pretty much until it ran out, which was a week, but after that I really only took it before bed to stop the pain from waking me up. At this point I don't even need that - just cleaning out the one still-open hole twice a day before I brush.
Anyone else had a similar experience? I don't have any sort of follow-up appointment, to my knowledge, so when my month hits, I'm just sort of gonna start eating again? I'll probably take it slow (first 'real food' dish is gonna be Japanese-style curry, so lots of soft potatoes and carrots and beef that's been slow cooked all day) and work my way towards "actual eating", but I was just curious if anyone else has been through this kind of thing, or if my dental surgeon was just working with an abundance of caution.
I just want to eat something whose first ingredient wasn't dairy, man. Even the soups I'm eating are all cream-based. It's been smoothies, soup, and pudding for pretty much the whole last month.