Second Yr MD Candidate -> DMD/AA or Industry

Hey guys - first off, this will be atypical - I am a second year MD candidate w/ a prior tech career (was making 200k, still get hit up by recruiters at cos like PLTR). Absolutely hating medicine (constant exams, not culturally aligned - I am a capitalist at heart and just want to earn $, hate the hours/evals/nonsense it takes to prove your worth in this profession). I know many will not believe me, but I have an opportunity to start dental or aa school next year (I have acceptances in hand). The AA path is quickest out of school and let's me earn faster/ideally retire quicker and/or serves as a safety net for me to go back into my old career risk free. Dental is much better than Medicine in that I have less board exams/no residency to worry about and can own my own practice.

Should I leave for Dental or AA? Should I stay, get the MD and pivot into finance (life science)? TIA