Pretty excited about this thrift store haul!
Went about 10 miles down the road to a store I scored at about 2 months ago and I once again got a very nice haul! The guy who rang me up said they had just gotten the records in that morning so it happened to be right place right time. The Blake Babies and Beat Happening records were the biggest surprises for sure with them both being OG presses. All of these were between $3 to $8 and seem to just need a nice clean and they’ll be good to go!
Along with all that, my copy of Combat Rock seemed to have the revised version of “Inoculated City” without the commercial but unfortunately it didn’t come with any hype stickers that seemed to make this version a bit more desirable.
I also scored about 20 cassettes which mainly consisted of alternative country and indie rock from the 90s! I posted about that over on r/cassetteculture so overall I’d say this is my score of the year by far!