Being trans in this country fucking sucks
Coming out / starting my transition was and is still the best decision I've ever made, but God I'm terrified. Every day I wake up wondering which of my community's rights I'm gonna see get stripped away. Every day I wake up wondering how many more young folks in our community are gonna k*** themselves because they either have to stop transitioning altogether or won't be able to start transitioning until they make it to adulthood. We are REAL HUMAN BEINGS who have had our entire existence be whittled down to nothing more than a fucking alt-right debate topic. "Should or shouldn't these people get treated as anything less than deplorable vermin?" I feel like when anyone looks at me all they see is ⚧️ before getting to know ME. I'm constantly having to explain and defend the way I live, only to still be treated as an "other". You think I just woke up one day and thought "huh I guess today is the day I'm gonna change my whole identity and get everyone around me including my closest friends and family members to shun me"?
I have been spit on. Ive had people follow me home. I've been doxxed and stalked and threatened online. Ive had people tell me "I can't wait until we can hunt your kind". My own father looked me in the face and told me I'd be a "package deal" if I ever get kidnapped. WHERE IS THE FUCKING EMPATHY?!!! You treat us like MONSTERS when YOU are the ones saying everyone in our community should be "erased from existence", and all because daddy trump said so?
I'm exhausted. I am constantly grieving for the beautiful souls of my community taken too soon. I have very little hope for the future and I'm so goddamn tired of having to "put on a brave face" all the time. It feels stupid to hope for a brighter future right now, and I know a lot of my community feel the same way.
If you have trans friends or family members, CHECK ON THEM. We are all trying to be brave and fight back against these absolute pigs in the white house, but a lot of us don't feel as brave as we look. Even if it's a "hey how's it going" text or spending an extra 5-10 minutes with them, it could mean the difference between your loved ones making it through, or you having to put flowers on their grave.