I have received not one but TWO defective Lobos, emitting a strong burning plastic odor. Wtf POTV…

At first I loved this vape. It really does put out some huge clouds. But then after just a few days it started emitting a strong burning plastic odor. I could not only taste it in the vapor but I could smell it coming from the oven and also from the intake holes on the bottom of the vape while preheating and during sessions. And the vapor started stinging my lungs. So I reached out to POTV and explained the situation and they responded by treating me like it was my fault, saying I must have brushed out the oven while it was hot and melted the plastic bristles into the oven (which I absolutely did not do). After saying “please be more careful next time”, they sent me a replacement.

And then the second one started doing the SAME THING after just a few days. Again. Mind you, I’m pretty experienced with dry herb vaping. I own 10 other vapes. And none of them have ever made this kind of odor. This is literally plastic being burnt somewhere inside the vape. If I hold it up to a flashlight while it’s on I can see a stream of smoke coming out of the oven and it smells exactly like burning plastic. So no, this is not just factory oils being burned off, this smell is much MUCH stronger. I’ve literally done like 20 burnoffs and if anything it’s only gotten worse. And for it to happen AGAIN with the replacement, I’m just beyond disappointed. And I’ve talked to 3 other people in this sub who are having the same problem.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I’m thinking about emailing them again to ask for a return but I’m hesitant after the way they treated me the first time around.