Sports Fans Really Need to Think Twice Before Crossing Boundaries with Criticism of Players

Sports fans these days act as if they're experts and they own the club/country, and think they are always correct. When the team wins they compliment everything, and when lose then say the opposite. They're so impulsive and contradict themselves, and their opinions matter solely based on the results.

I've seen several times 'fans' literally cyberbullying players to intolerable extents that it starts affecting their health and personal life. They look down upon the professional players with such bossy attitudes and some even have websites where they rate players on matchdays, and publicly judge and talk about them negatively. I find it hilariously ironic that most of these 'fans' are keyboard warriors who probably have never even touched a ball in their life, and go ahead to judge and review the players who have spent decades honing their skills with hardwork sacrifice and toil to reach where they are today.

Being a fan and actually being somebody in the club, can never be the same. Being somebody in the club comes with a lot of responsibility and hard work and have a lot of things going on internally. The actual players and managers are in the team who've grown up playing and working with the actual sport, not sitting behind a computer screen gossiping about others.

A wise man once said - "You hardly see players criticizing other players, because players know what it feels like to actually be on the pitch, what it takes to play for the club/country, and what it feels like to succeed and fail, unlike all the 'experts' and keyboard warriors out there who probably have never even touched a ball in their life spend their time criticising for entertainment"