Tired of this annoyingly loud screaming voice called azan!

This azan is beyond fking frustrating!

Seriously, it's a noise that feels like it's designed to invade your space at the worst possible times. It's bad enough when it blasts through your windows at 5 AM, waking you up before the sun's even out but then again and again five fking times a day at ear- splitting volume is beyond maddening!!

I'm sick of it! And worse part is how off key and ugly it sounds. It's not a tune or a song, it's a man SCREAMING with his phatti hui awaz, demanding you listen to him "pray".

As if this abuse wasn't enough, to top it all of, like a cherry on cake there's 2-3 masjids around my area. All screaming, one along with another in the worse possible voice, makes the cacophony 100x worse.

Why is this religious broadcast forced on everyone?! Why can't they just use common sense and make it quieter!? I get it, every religion has some rules but the never-ending auditory attack is just senseless and has no meaning behind it anymore other than to slap you in the face, like everyone else has to suffer because of some outdated practice that feels increasingly out of place in today's world.

Now before some faith fanatic starts abusing and demand my head on national TV news, I'd equally hate any over the top loud bhajan and LITERALLY ANY NOISE, but atleast bhajan's have a tune to it. At least it resembles some kind of music. It's not man screaming off key with a broken voice 5 TIMES EVERYDAY!

TLDR: Loud, annoying and phatti hui awaz ka azan is the bane of my existence and the reason why I want to pluck my ears and destroy every speaker.

Edit: To everyone looking at my comments and calling me a hypocrite for when I said I’d prefer bhajan over azan, I personally haven’t heard bhajans blasting with 5-10 speakers at 3 nearby places one after the other, especially at 5 in the morning and 5 times a day.
Be it any loud noise, I hate it all and I’m not saying I’d rather listen to bhajans blasting at 5 in the morning. I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING AT 5 IN THE MORNING.
The reason I’ve written this huge ahh rant is cuz I’m so dam irritated by the noise of azan and I’m at my breaking point where I feel literally any other noise would sound better.
I don’t have a propaganda or ulterior motives, my sole aim is to say how much I hate hearing that voice throughout the day