United card worth it for me?

I currently travel domestically about 30 times/year and internationally around 3 times/year. I live in Chicago and I use the CSR as my travel card currently.

I barely ever go in the lounges since they're always overcrowded and I don't like spending much time in the airport anyways. I never check a bag if I can avoid it. I'm not sure if I should get a United card and downgrade my CSR, or get a United card and keep my CSR, or not get one at all... Thoughts? Maybe the answer is obvious to some people...

Update: Thanks for the responses! Regarding status, even though I travel a ton.. I somehow was short on reaching status last year (I only did half my travel though United). With this said, I found an 80k bonus + 500 PQP for the Quest card and applied for that. You can probably find it with some googling.