UK Immigration and Political landscape

I feel a brief background of my upbringing and world experience is necessary before I jump into some borderline taboo topics.

Mid 40s , lived in UK city as a child until 18 , between 18-30 I lived overseas in several countries experienced different cultures and settled in a UK town.

I left the UK in 2000 and spent over a decade travelling America and Europe to differing extents, I feel Britain has a major problem with political correctness, wokeness and telling the cold hard facts. It's actualling killing the country. For reference I'm married to a high skilled migrant.

Why is it a political taboo to support deportation of foreign nationals in UK jails?

Why is it deemed not socially appropriate to say "immigrants with low skill and limited ability to speak English are a burden on the tax payer" when statistics support the fact they overwhelmingly seek out tax payer funded accomodation?

Why is it we have this overwhelming vanity project stance on Illegal migration ?

Why is it , British people cannot fundamentally disagree with housing illegal migrants in hotel fleeing France ?

.. I really feel we've completely lost the ability to tell the truth.

I watch a lot of political commentary and still feel that people try and bury their head in the sand on these issues rather than addressing them with sense and reason..

We need to start taxing the super rich and sorting out immigration policies yesterday, the country's dying as a result.

why is it a broad brush stroke is painted of all right wing voters, they can't all be stupid, nobody is taxing the super rich , so you may as well support the party which at least has some common sense and understands mass immigration of people with polar opposite stances on women's rights is a bad thing.. it's laughable honestly.