Thoughts on what Stec said today CHEM 124

Did anyone else think it was out of touch and crazy for Stec to go on about how the exam was "easy" and shouldn't have been time consuming? I know exam scores aren't out yet, but if every student has an issue with the exam, the exam itself is the problem. I agree with her point that we did most of those types of questions before, but to act like there wasn't way too much on there is wild. And saying it's easy is literally rude. She was also saying that anyone who struggled with it/took a long time probably didn't study, which is also wild. I literally redid all the discussion worksheets for extra practice, and did all the practice problems from the textbook and I just barely finished the exam (on top of that I was rushing, not showing all my work, and not rechecking my answers just to get it done). But overall I just feel like whether or not the exam the exam was "hard," for her to say all that is disrespectful and demeaning. I like her as a professor, but this was wild.