Im SO TIRED(*heavy cursing beacuse im mad asl)
For context im taking 211, 251, and calc 3, along with some other classes. IDK whos aid these classes are manageable because they were LYING. ESPECIALLY calc 3. WHY DO WE HAVE SO MUCH HW AND THAT STUPID FING ATTENDANCE POLICY. FML I've never been this burnt out. the exam is tomorrow and I have so many other things to worry about. Its literally never ending amount of work like I cant even breathe. i loved math but god I hate it now I HATE IT I HATE IT. calc 2 was so much easier than wtv this bitch ass class is teaching. My gpa is gonna fucking tank this semester and I am literally going through the days in a haze. FUCK THIS WERE LIKE 5 weeks in AND IM SO DONE. I DONT KNOW HOW OTHER PEOPLE ARE MANAGING BUT IM DONE. i I H vae never cared about my grade less then this semester. i would literally scream if I got a b before but now fuck me, let me just pass through this semester alive. Fuck this bs and if you coordinate calc 3 classes fuck you too with the amount of fucking bitch ass hw you're giving us. yes I'm mad and maybe I should've written this later when I'm more level headed but I'm so fucking pissed off. i have barely even touched my fucking projects an they are due FOR SOME FUCKING REASON THE SAME WEEK THESE SCHEMING BASTARDS.